From Television, Radio and Print to Billboards, Transit Advertising and Arenas, to integrated cross-partner promotions, we know that it’s the right combination of both traditional and digital that will drive your dealership forward. Rest assured you are in capable hands when it comes to producing dynamic creative.



Technology is transforming the face of television as we know, and it’s changing rapidly.  Television still has the greatest reach of any other medium, and uses the combination of sight, sound, color, motion and emotion to be the most persuasive of all the mediums. However, now we have to think beyond the TV BOX and consider iPads and tablets, smartphones, in-store signage, YouTube, Vine, Facebook and a myriad of other new ways to connect with our audience.  And the audience may be exactly the same in any of those destinations. JVS is forward-thinking in our approach, to make sure our spots can be conducive to producing results in whatever broadcast environment they are being displayed in. And our creative and production capabilities speak for themselves. Be sure to check out our demo reel for a quick look, and portfolio page for full examples of the types of spots we do.


RADIO_02Radio is considered the theater of the mind. The possibilities are endless as to where you can bring your listener. No matter what approach you choose from your dealership, whether it be hard sell, story telling, slice-of-life or something totally off the wall, we can bring fresh, new ideas to the table, or use the medium to overcome problems and create new opportunities for your dealership. From 10-second bumps to 30-second spots for Pandora Radio, to full out 60’s that can tell a story or create a hyped-up event atmosphere, our team of writers and producers can pull together the creative that works the best for your store. You’ll find a variety of examples of spots we produced right on our home page.


NEWSPAPER-ADSContrary to popular belief, print is not dead. Yes, it’s true the industry has changed, but in many markets, newspaper is still a powerful medium. That is especially true in many non-major metros, where there are fewer TV and radio stations to reach the full market, and newspaper is still a part of the steady news and information diet for local consumers. We design ads for maximum impact and maximum impressions. Let’s face it. We have to! We know in your Monday morning sales meeting, your sales managers are going to talk about how many people did (or did not) come in over the weekend with the newspaper ad in their hand! We want to make sure your ad not only “looks good,” but also drives traffic to your showroom.


MAGAZINE-ADSMany dealerships are integral parts of their communities, and we know that brand and image are extremely important for reflecting good light on the dealer. So we create ads for specific publications that “relate” to the audience that is reading them, from the upscale patron in the private box at the theater, to the mom and dad watching their child’s lacrosse game.


OUT-OF-HOMEBillboards, transit advertising, bus benches, mall displays and newspaper stands. They all are grouped into a category known as out-of-home media, and though the ads may not have the emotion of electronic media, it’s their ability to reach a new and wider audience that makes them effective. So if it’s a directional ad that says “Turn Here For Savings,” or a bus bench ad that says “You Could Be Driving A New Car For only $99/month,” we will do our best to make the medium drive outside traffic “in.”